WHEN you have a bunch of some of the country’s best teen journalists running through the streets of historic Malacca city, cameras, notepads and smartphones in hand, you know some awesome stories are going to emerge.
The latest edition of The Star’s BRATs camp saw a new batch of aspiring journalists (aged 16 to 19) going to Malacca for a crash course in journalism before heading out to the Jonker Street area to find stories to tell.

Human history: The BRATs interviewing Soo Xiu Keng, 78, who has run her own tiny barbershop just off Jonker Street for the past 58 years. Soo even let some of the BRATs sit on her barber’s chair, which is over 100 years old! Photos by SAMUEL ONG/The Star
And find stories they did! There’s so much more to Malacca than most of us care to look out for, and the BRATs were able to uncover some of it, so you can get to check it out during your next trip to the historic city!
We’ll be publishing their stories and photos here today and next Tuesday, and they’ll include the hidden heritage of Heeren Street, the dying trades of Jonker Street, the soon-to-be unveiled “time tunnel” at the Cheng Ho Tea House, and so much more.
For more content from the BRATs Malacca 2014 camp, look us up on Facebook ( and Twitter (@starbrats, or hashtag #BRATsMalacca).
Also, our next BRATs camp will be in December, and we’ll be unveiling the venue real soon! So, stay tuned for that =)
Tell us what you think!