R.AGe reporter Ian Yee is on a one-week adventure that will make all you football fans go green with envy. Yesterday, he met football superstar, Lionel Messi, in Barcelona and who he really wanted to take a picture with.
However, Ian had a really hard time trying to get past the bodyguard but in the end, as he said it, “It pays to be shameless!”. Yes, he got the picture with the famed footballer. Or so he claims.
We’re trying to get him to send it to us soon as evidence!
Tomorrow, Ian will be meeting with Frank Lampard in London and later on, Fernando Torres in Liverpool (yes, you may let your jaw drop now). The BIG question is: Will he get a picture with them too?!
How far would Ian go to fulfil his dream of getting a picture with people you usually only see on television? Well, we would just have to wait and see!
…or you could just follow @thestar_rage (www.twitter.com/thestar_rage) on Twitter where Ian will be updating us on the go. In the mean time, if you missed out on his tweets when he met Messi, you can catch them below:
- I’m off to Barcelona & UK 2 meet Messi, Lampard & Torres! Really excited yet nervous. I’ll b updating from http://bit.ly/ianything
- At a super awesome studio in Barcelona, waiting for Leo Messi to turn up!! Super excited! Check out the set http://twitpic.com/1f33l9
- Lotsa people here at the studio. Messi just got in the building, n everyone’s on edge. He’s upstairs eating, apparently.
- Check this out – Messi has a full-time body double. All the camera preps are done wif this guy. http://twitpic.com/1f3529
- He’s been sitting there for hours while the crew work out the camera angles. He has the same physique as Messi http://twitpic.com/1f35la
- I have a funny feeling the bodyguard won’t b too pleased when I ask for a picture wif Messi later… Wish me luck.
- Messi’s shooting some world cup ad, and he looks really uneasy in front of camera. Can’t take any more photos for now tho. Stupid bodyguard.
- Can’t get a pic of Messi in the studio, so I walked out n got one from the monitor :p http://twitpic.com/1f3gw5
- It’s super hectic here. Ppl rushing all over for the Messi shoot. At least 50 crew members running this gig now.
- Sorry folks, I’m gonna stop tweeting for 15mins cos Messi is shooting his “skills” videos. He’s amazing!! Crazy skills man. Unbelievable.
- Messi’s doing a scene where he dribbles zigzag through a line of cones, bt he’s doing it so fast the camera can’t keep up! E’one is amazed.
- They set up half a football pitch in an indoor studio. Messi’s juggling, dribbling & shooting between takes. Wat a pleasure 2 watch.
- Messi looks like a kid on the set, but he’s absolutely terrifying with the ball at his feet. His shooting is so powerful. I’m in awe.
- Messi’s done with the skills set. Doing photos now. Watching him working his magic was so cool.
- The indoor pitch made 4 Messi’s photoshoot. That’s his body double playing goalie, now dat the real Messi’s gone http://twitpic.com/1f40hg
- That’s it. Messi’s shoot is over, n sigh, I don’t hav a pic w. him or signature. Guess this proves he’s bigger than Gerard Butler & Gaga :p
- Now the shoot wif Messi’s over, I can dig in 2 the snacks and espresso. Hope I hv better luck wif Lampard & Torres http://twitpic.com/1f428c
- Time for dinner and sightseeing! Wanna hav sum seafood paella in Barcelona. Leaving for London tmrw afternoon where Frank Lampard is next
- #iwouldloveto have a picture with Lionel Messi. Still hanging around the studio waiting for him to leave… Then I’ll pounce.
- I GOT MY PICTURE WITH LIONEL MESSI!! It pays to b shameless! Thnx 2 our awesome photographer Bonnie Yap. She’ll download it for me later
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