R.age reporter Ian Yee has been living the lifetime dream of all the football fans out there. Last night, he caught a Chelsea vs. Bolton match live in Stamford Bridge after devouring a fine 3-course meal and champagne.
But wait, that’s only the beginning!
A few days ago, he travelled to Barcelona to meet Lionel Messi and got a picture with him too! Yes, he has proof! (https://rage.com.my/the-messi-truth)
Just yesterday, Ian interviewed Frank Lampard and we were following all of it live on Twitter. The only thing we don’t know yet is whether he got a picture with the football star.
In his tweets, Ian was quite confident that could get the picture but so far, there’s no word from him. Did Ian get the picture? Was he shameless enough to get one as he did for Messi? Well, we would just have to wait and see, won’t we?
So don’t miss out! Keep yourself posted by following @thestar_rage on Twitter where Ian will constantly be tweeting updates.
Missed out on Ian’s interview with Lampard? Not to worry, you can read up all that you missed below:
- I’m at another studio in London now, waiting for an interview wif Frank Lampard! Any questions for him?
- Btw, I DID get my photo with Messi, bt its in another camera. Will upload it asap. Now for a pic wif Lampard, then Torres in Liverpool tmrw!
- Any questions for Frank Lampard? Interview starting soon. Ancelotti made them go 2 training earlier this morning, so he’ll b here earlier.
- That’s the waiting room in the studio, where we’ll meet Lampard. Gonna hav sum food now while waiting for him :p http://twitpic.com/1fire2
- How predictable- Lampard will b here later than expected. N I’ll hv 2 wait till after his ad shoot 4 d interview. Bet he’ll b in a bad mood.
- Frank Lampard is here! He walked pass me. Very friendly. Said hi to me and smiled. He’s changing in d nxt room 4 a photo op wif us
- It’s Super Frankie Lampard! He looks much bigger in person. Very friendly too http://twitpic.com/1fj5cx
- Here’s a video of Lampard at the photo op. Will get an interview wif him later http://tiny12.tv/7EK4N
- @nikicheong Quite confident I’ll get a pic with Lampard actually. He’s really friendly. Messi was very introverted, & well-protected too.
- Another pic of Lampard signing sumthing – will reveal wat it was later. Now, any questions for him?
- Watching Frank Lampard doin his 3rd shoot of the day. He’s been really patient, unlike Messi who looked a bit disinterested. Interview soon!
- Just finished my interview with Frank Lampard. Feeling a bit bummed cos it wz really short. His people were getting impatient
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