Predicting football scores is like trying to figure out the ending to Lost – it’s like somebody’s actually trying really hard to lead you in the opposite direction.
Which is why I’m pretty comfortable being one of the football “pundits” on Football Every Day (it’s this online football talk show at – I have nothing to lose.
No disrespect to the other actual pundits on the show, but for an amateur like me, there’s no harm in just tikam-ing the score since no one can get it right all the time… except that every single prediction I’ve given on the show has been wrong:
United will beat Birmingham comfortably, with at least a two-goal margin.
(United shaved it 1-0)
I think Burnley will receive a backlash from United’s unconvincing performance at Birmingham.
(United lost 0-1 to Burnley)
We seem to have lost that cutting edge this season… Against a physical defense like Wigan away from home, we might struggle to score.
(United trashed Wigan 5-0)
This will be a tight game without too many goals in it.
(United pipped Manchester City 4-3 in one of the most thrilling games of the season)
Ok, so I might have a tiny problem if my streak of bad predictions keep going.
But I had an even bigger problem on the show last week. I was asked to host the show as a stand-in for our regular dude Nelsen, and I was TERRIBLE. There’s a reason why I’m a writer. I looked awkward, and retarded throughout most of the show.
Thankfully, I had two pros around to help me out on the show that day. Shebby Singh has to be like the awesomest dude in football to work with, and Deborah Henry (ZOMG!) was really sweet and down-to-earth. It really could’ve been worse if they weren’t there to take the heat off me.
(FYI, everytime someone mentions Deborah Henry here at R.AGE, we go into a routine 5-minute gushing session about how perfect she is. Nasassistic Nasa even openly admits to have a crush on her.)
Here’s how the video turned out:
Ianyway, the moral of the story is that things are never quite as simple as they seem on TV/the newspaper/radio/Internet, and I mean that in every possible way.
Shebs was telling me and Debs (yes, I’ve earned the right to call her that by being on the show) how much stick he gets for the opinions he gives on his shows. I have to admit, me and my friends used to think some of the stuff he’d say didn’t make much sense too…
So I asked Shebs – with all these critics he had, why not we bring some of them on the show, and see if they have what it takes to be pundits themselves? As usual, Shebs was totally up for it.
Whadd’ya guys think? Anybody think you can be a better football pundit than Shebs? Leave a comment here or email me at, and I’ll try to get you on Football Every Day where you’ll have a chance to take Shebby on.
Any takers?
Tell us what you think!