LISA Surihani may be known for her bubbly personality but these days, the popular actress is on a serious mission – to educate young people about fuel-efficient driving. This educational drive will certainly help in cost-saving as well as protecting the environment.
The 27-year-old, who is appointed by Shell Malaysia as Malaysia’s celebrity driver at Shell Eco-marathon Asia 2014 in Manila on Feb 7, has been taking fuel-efficient driving classes under Shell FuelSave ambassador and fellow actor Fahrin Ahmad.
The invaluable sessions have taught Lisa the importance of breaking bad habits on the road and how a little effort by a driver goes a long way in saving fuel.
“As a driver there’re things you can do to make a difference to fuel consumption. There’s nothing technical about it and it’s no rocket science. Just follow some easy steps!” the ebullient star says.
1. Optimal air-conditioning
No doubt the weather is hot in Malaysia but you don’t need to put the air-cond on full blast as soon as you enter your car even if it has been parked under the sun. A temperature of 24 or 25°C will suffice because the car will eventually be cooled down.
2. Remove excessive weight from the car
Just be more organised. Think of it as packing to go travelling; you don’t need to lug everything with you. Pack minimally and you’ll be able to save some cost there.
3. Minimal acceleration
How you employ the accelerator impacts fuel efficiency. Don’t just think about being darah muda (young blood) and fast, consider the fuel cost too. Now, learn time management. Instead of rushing here and there, why don’t you plan your schedule, and put an end to the notorious Malaysian timing?
4. Always check your tyre pressure
This practice may seem unimportant and I admit that I, too, forget to do it sometimes but it’s necessary to keep your tyres properly inflated as it will save you some cost (by preventing damage to the tyres as well as added fuel consumption).
5. Servicing your car on time
Be extra mindful of when you last sent your vehicle for servicing. It’s important to keep the machine well-maintained to avoid car breakdowns.
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