OUR #RAGEchat was abuzz with activity last week when heaps of tweeps took to twitter to voice their opinions on crowd funding, the subject our R.AGE cover story.
Joining the discussion were three of our interviewees – environmental activist Adrian Yeo (@ninoamigo), dancer Samantha Tan (@Samantha_Tan), and content executive Syatirah Safran (@syats), who have all used crowd funding for different purposes.
Also getting in on the action were a few social media “gurus” – Niki Cheong (@nikicheong), David Lian (@DavidLian) and Christopher Tock (@spinzer).
Some readers thought crowd funding was a major no-no if it was for personal gain, while others weren’t opposed to it at all. Here’s what they had to say:
The interviewees
@syats: resorted to starting #5foraFriend for #crowdfunding coz I couldn’t find other ways to not let this dream of studying in Japan go
Like @spinzer, many ppl preaching, asking why don’t I get a part time job. Even now, I’m taking so many freelance jobs to help.
@Samantha_Tan: don’t understand people who condemn #crowdfunding.Glad I launched @MyASDSFund!no shame in honestly asking4help when u need it.
The “gurus”
@nikicheong: these tweets about #crowdfunding making people lazier and taking things for granted show how little people know about the process. #ragechat
@spinzer: I tried it and while I achieved it, a lot of people were preaching moral values to me. Still worked, though
@davidlian: Think #crowdfunding is great for helping consumers get products they want created
@davidlian: (An important thing to remember in #crowdfunding is) convincing people of either your cause or product. And that you can deliver
The “crowd”
@JeremyAdam15: i need a new car, house and a maybe throw in a guitar or two just because…would anyone give me their money? O_o
@Nashman: if the cause is compelling enough, end result bring a greater good not only to the person but for all
@Edmunndddnie: a very bold move. Never thought that there are people who are compassionate enough to chip in money for other’s dreams and all
@bennylim18: Sure, why not? Never a bad thing to help someone achieve their dreams
@Menoner_Gurl: they would have to tell me what’s the dream they’re going for. If its convincing enough, why not?
@silvennia: The cynic in me doesn’t believe that they’re sincere and would assume it’s a scam #ragechat
@JayAnilSS: Honestly, I don’t knwo. I’d be weirded out at 1st, cos it’s a total stranger, & it might be a con. Still, RM5 for a dream.
@DaphneSer: Without a doubt. Anything to help anyone achieve their dreams.
@bennylim18: people tend to forget that the simplest things can often mean a whole lot more than the big things
@HilmSmd: yes. Just imagine when we are in their place, we also need that money right?
@phavanthelehl: Might b a small act fr you bt to another, it means the wrld. You’re at least contributing to society
@gabeygoh: I’m still trying to fund my own holiday… let alone others… >.<;;;
@samazing_2u: I will cuz I believe that a little hope can create the most amazing dreams…
@vuisme: @Samantha_Tan how do u feel when pple say #crowdfunding is a form of high-tech begging?
@dinie_eiza: Sometimes rm5 can be used to other useful thing than those people’s indulgences.
@Nazeen: well if u dnt do your research, u deserved to be conned! #crowdfunding
@joonsun: I don’t like the idea of easy money. Getting “donations” for an iPad is just wrong.
@carmensakura07: Maybe, it’s just the issue of pride. #crowdfunding seems like begging and no one likes the idea of that.
@ahfugs: Isnt #crowdfunding like begging? It’s different if you’re asking 4 $$ to fund a charity project bt 4 yourself? That’s begging
@ruxyn: I dont think its plain wrong. But i grew up in an environment that if i want something – WORK it out
@JereSays (Red FM DJ Jeremy Teo): If people want to give you money, why turn them down? You’re not harassing people.
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