

SINCE 1993, The Star’s BRATs Camps have taken Malaysia’s most talented teen journalists on some epic field assignments across the country, many of which only journalists would be able to get access to.

And this year, you can bet we’ll be going on even more exciting field assignments, so make sure you apply for a spot on the BRATs 2017 programme ASAP.

To give you a better idea of what you’ll be signing up for, here are five of our most memorable field assignments over the past 23 years.

BRATs Kuching 2004

A BRATs participant learning to use the blowpipe under the guidance of a Penan native at the Sarawak Cultural Village in 2004. ― Photo: RAJA SHAMSUL BAHREN/The Star

A BRATs participant learning to use the blowpipe under the guidance of a Penan native at the Sarawak Cultural Village in 2004. ― Photo: RAJA SHAMSUL BAHREN/The Star

There’s probably no better time to visit Sarawak than during Gawai, and the BRATs got to take part in the traditional Gawai festivities at the Sarawak Cultural Village. They also went on a night walk through the Borneo rainforest, where they experienced the beauty of glow worms and fireflies in the wild.

BRATs Sepilok 2008

The BRATs watching closely as the young orangutan took his daily bath. The BRATs were at the Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre as part of the Swinging in Sepilok BRATs year-end journey 2008. ― Photo: MOHD SAHAR MISNI/The Star

The BRATs watching closely as the young orangutan took his daily bath. The BRATs were at the Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre as part of the Swinging in Sepilok BRATs year-end journey 2008. ― Photo: MOHD SAHAR MISNI/The Star

The BRATs got an exclusive, behind the scenes tour of the Sepilok Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre. They interviewed the animal keepers on what it’s like caring for orphaned and captive apes, and some even got to join in an orang-utan bathing session!

BRATs Raub 2009

The BRATs being taken to the Lata Berembun waterfall in the back of a four-wheel-drive truck. They got in touch with nature and had the time of their lives going off-road during the year-end camp. ― Photo: CHAN TAK KONG/The Star

The BRATs being taken to the Lata Berembun waterfall in the back of a four-wheel-drive truck. They got in touch with nature and had the time of their lives going off-road during the year-end camp. ― Photo: CHAN TAK KONG/The Star

A convoy of four-wheel drive trucks took the BRATs on a bumpy ride through the jungles of Pahang, to reach the beautiful, hidden gem that is the Lata Berembun waterfall. They also stayed at the Kenong Rimba Park, where they pitched tents under the stars and went river hiking at night along an underground stream.

BRATs Ipoh 2014

A local in the fishing village of Kuala Sangga showing the BRATs how to make a fishing net. Kuala Sangga is only accessible by boat and is said to be home to an infamous pirate in the 1960s. — Photo: SAMUEL ONG/The Star

A local in the fishing village of Kuala Sangga showing the BRATs how to make a fishing net. Kuala Sangga is only accessible by boat and is said to be home to an infamous pirate in the 1960s. — Photo: SAMUEL ONG/The Star

The stories we found while on a river cruise around Kuala Sepetang certainly were quite extraordinary. We explored Kuala Sangga, a remote fishing village (accessible only by boat) which used to be a hideout for pirates in the 1960s, and heard all the locals’ fascinating tales.

BRATs Johor Baru 2015

The BRATs having a splash in Legoland Johor while working on their assignments with the staff at the theme park. ― Photo: AZLINA BT ABDULLAH/The Star

The BRATs having a splash in Legoland Johor while working on their assignments with the staff at the theme park. ― Photo: AZLINA BT ABDULLAH/The Star

It was a perfect mix of work and play when the BRATs got to spend the day at Legoland Malaysia. They talked to the people who make the newly-opened water park tick, worked on their stories at the Legoland Hotel, and, of course, got a few hours of fun in the theme park.

Tell us what you think!

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