Rachel Chee’s blogpost
My Mum’s Carrot & Walnut Cake
Let’s see, where to begin.
About sometime in August, my mum showed me this article in The Star newspaper about the R.AGE Food Fight. She was asking my sister to join but she was (at the time) doing a different competition in a couple of weeks.
I was a little curious but didn’t pursue it because I was already in the middle of quitting my job. Not only that, I was starting to look for other options; taking up culinary arts as my backup plan since I was young was still one of those options.
Then a few days before the competition deadline, my mum asked me to try out instead. And I took it as a sign. I went to buy my ingredients and asked a friend to help me with certain camera angles I wouldn’t be able to do on my own.
Why I chose carrot & walnut cake? Simple : my mum. Everything I do since I started living outside the nest is for my mum. I mean, I love my dad and my two sisters too but my mum, she’s the only person in the family who knows what to say and do when I need it the most.
And no harm comes from trying out something new, right? If you don’t succeed, try and try again.
Tell us what you think!