Northern stars
The CHEER 2015 Northern Regionals saw the region’s finest two cheer schools do battle.
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The CHEER 2015 Northern Regionals saw the region’s finest two cheer schools do battle.
Most of the cheerleaders in Xavier Junior are Muslims, so training for CHEER 2015 this year was extra challenging with Ramadan just two months before cheer season.
The cheerleaders of Team Ignite were the misfits of their school, but their very dedicated teacher has used cheerleading to turn their lives around.
It’s never easy forming a new cheerleading team, but the girls from Team Thunderstruck have bravely gone ahead with it — even after a few injuries.
The captain of Calyx Co-Ed, from SMK Katholik, says people don’t recognise the extreme athleticism you need to be a cheerleader.
The biggest supporter of Yim Hor Yew’s cheerleading career was her mother. Sadly, she passed away last year.
Arifah Hani has dreamed of being a cheerleader since she attended CHEER 2008. Now, she’s living her dream as part of the Anchorz.
The Starlites were formed to replace Shirtliff, the school’s five-time CHEER winning team that was disbanded a few years ago.
They’ve been selling T-shirts, badges and food to help fund the team, and their captain moonlights as a gymnastic coach.
Comedian Prakash Daniel brought along his infectious laugh when he visited Zodiac Co-Ed.