
Unity through music

By CHRISTINE CHEAH They are currently about 15,000km away from home, but the distance won’t stop the young Malaysian students in Purdue University in Indiana, United States from expressing their love for their country. They created a beautiful music video infused with the spirit of 1Malaysia, and the five-and-a-half minute clip, which is available […]

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Unity through fun

NIKI CHEONG LAST weekend, about 200 people came together at Lake Gardens in Kuala Lumpur for a picnic under the shady trees, all dressed in the colours of the Jalur Gemilang. The event – “Saya Mahu Picnic” – was organised by bizarre participatory arts group RandomAlphabets (RA) in just four days as a response […]

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Kita kawan mah…

What started out as a project among a bunch of colleagues hoping to spread some post-general election positivity has turned into a full-out campaign, one that seems set to spread all over the country. The Kita Kawan Mah project was started by a group of around 15 colleagues, mostly in their mid-20s to mid-30s, and […]

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