With scores of fledgling singers belting their hearts out to a minus one and aspiring dancers busting out a variety of jaw-dropping dance moves on YouTube, it seems there is little place left on YouTube for the rest of the world’s wide-eyed dreamers.
Nevertheless, Filipino country-pop duo Krissy & Ericka has proven that the odds can be beaten.

The Villongco sisters Krissy (L) and Ericka have been clocking up millions of hits on YouTube with their acoustic covers.
Regine Kristine Villongco or Krissy, began posting acoustic covers of the day’s contemporary hits on her YouTube channel, krissysings, when she was 12 years old. With a guitar strapped across her chest, the teenager strummed and sang passionately to a steady but small stream of YouTubers.
Undeterred, she continued to sing. However, it was only when her sister, Ericka Renee Villongco (who is 10 months older) joined forces with her, that the duo became unstoppable.
Today, Krissy and Ericka, now 17 and 18 respectively, are singing to the tune of over 17 million YouTube views, with two studio albums to their names and a throng of roaring fans.
The duo was recently in town to perform for AJ Rafael’s “Red Roses Tour in Southeast Asia” as guest artistes.
“I think it’s a plus that we’re sisters, we know each other very well, our strengths and our weaknesses,” said Ericka about working together as sisters.
Krissy said that although fights between the two are not uncommon, it usually only takes 30 minutes before they become “friends again”.
Perhaps it is this show of camaraderie and their ability to put their differences aside that has sustained their success five years on.
Recently, the sisters came through yet again with the release of their second studio album, 12:51. The record features a total of 10 tracks, six of which are covers of today’s chart-toppers, ranging from country fares such as Taylor Swift’s Back To December to pop hits like Katy Perry’s Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) and Rihanna’s Love The Way You Lie.
“We pick songs out of our mood, (and) also what’s kind of popular at the moment,” shared Krissy. They did a refreshing take on Adele’s Rolling In The Deep. The duo’s innocent, saccharine voices are able to hold their own, introducing a unique acoustic flair to the angsty break up anthem. The result is a sharp but delectable contrast.
The remaining four tracks are original compositions, two of which featured fellow YouTube breakout artistes, AJ Rafael and Marié Digby while the title track, 12:51, was penned by Krissy herself.
When asked about the inspiration behind the love song, Ericka immediately lit up and offered to answer on Krissy’s behalf.
“Krissy has never had a boyfriend, so I don’t know where she gets all that inspiration from,” Ericka poked light-heartedly. “But basically the story is about having a crush on a guy, liking someone but too afraid to take the risk of telling the guy,” she continued.
Boyfriend or no boyfriend, the duo’s original track is testament not only to their ability to sing but in songwriting as well. While they may be able to sing the phonebook, it looks like they need not resort to that.
However, the sisters also revealed that the path to success has been a rocky one. Shortly after posting their covers on YouTube, their schoolmates quickly made their grouses known.
“I’d be walking down the halls and they would mock me about what I say on the videos,” Krissy recalled.
Ericka also had her share of negative encounters, citing hate comments on YouTube as the most frequent occurrence. Some viewers judge the girls’ appearances, while others provide more constructive criticisms targeted at the technical aspects of their performance.
Thankfully, it was the duo’s ability to vet out the personal from the professional that has taken them through this unyielding storm of criticisms.
“I just think that music is music, it shouldn’t matter what the person looks like,” Krissy reasoned.
Nevertheless, the sisters are quick to add they welcome constructive criticism whole-heartedly.
The sisters are actively involved in charity work, taking on the role as Red Cross and World Vision youth ambassadors. The songbirds are determined to lead by example when it comes to making a positive impact on their nation.
“We think that knowledge comes from experience, and if we do that, other people (will) follow you,” Ericka added.
With a heart for the underprivileged, a talent for singing and songwriting, a candid persona, and most remarkably, their ability to beat the odds despite tremendous competition from other YouTube artistes, it is no wonder why Krissy and Ericka seem too good to be true.
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