WE’RE not gonna lie – when we had our last BRATs teen journalist camp at the five-star Berjaya Langkawi Resort, we didn’t think we could ever top that. We were wrong.
On March 18-21, we’ll be taking a new batch of talented teenagers for BRATs Raub at the six-star (yes, SIX-star) Casabrina luxury resort – and you could be one of them!
Registration for the BRATs 2015 programme is now open, and if you apply before Feb 15, you could be part of the group that goes to Casabrina!
The resort, nestled within the cooling foothills of Raub, Pahang, is usually reserved for the rich and famous, but owner Felix Tee was so impressed by the BRATs’ work last year in camps at Ipoh, Malacca and Langkawi that he decided to open it up to this year’s participants.

The BRATs Raub young journalist camp will be held at the six-star Casabrina resort. Sign up today at rage.com.my/brats!
In case you’ve never heard about it, BRATs (Bright, Roving Annoying Teens) is the most awesome young journalist programme in the country – and it has been since it first started out in 1993.
We organise three camps a year where the country’s most talented 16-19-year-olds get together to experience doing what we journalists do for a few days.
We take them on exciting field assignments where they get hands-on training by professional journalists, editors, photographers and videographers from The Star.
At the end of the camp, we publish all their photos, stories and videos right here in R.AGE.
Now, we don’t wanna give too much away, but at BRATs Raub, one of the field assignments will be a behind-the-scenes tour of the amazing Kuala Gandah Elephant Sanctuary.
That’s right. The BRATs won’t just get to see the elephants like the tourists – they will get the chance to get up close and personal with the elephants and work with the zookeepers for a few hours.
If all that sounds like fun to you, click here to apply for BRATs Raub today! Deadline for applications is Feb 15.
- BRATs is The Star’s young journalist programme, organised by R.AGE. Click here for more info.
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