I have to be honest here and please don’t hurt me for saying it; I don’t understand the whole Twilight hoopla…
and the Team Edward/Team Jacob thing.
First of all, let me state that I’m no movie snob and have in fact enjoyed mindless movies like Hannah Montana: The Movie, but still I can’t seem to appreciate the Twilight saga that has taken the world by storm.
People have pointed out that the problem may exist due to the fact that I haven’t read any of Stephanie Meyer’s books from the mega popular Twilight franchise. Well, there is a reason why I haven’t read any of them — I simply refuse to.
Now, before you Twilighters protract your fangs and swoop in to suck the life out of me, let me tell you why a bookworm like me has yet to read those books. I’m tired. Really, I am.
Back in my college days, I had spent all my energy, time and even life going crazy over a bespectacled boy with a lightning shaped scar on his forehead who wages war against He Who Must Not Be Named.
I remember the all-nighters I pulled, not over examinations or anything trivial like that, but over J.K. Rowling’s insanely thick books that gave me headaches by the 300th page. I was so in love with the whole series that I even created a Harry Potter website as a final project for my Multimedia course … in my degree year!
After I somehow figured out that it was time to grow up, I decided that I would never subject my already tortured mind and soul to another franchise that requires more dedication than I could handle … which is why I said no to Twilight.
But you know how sometimes life loves to mess up with you right … especially when you’re on a long-haul flight and you’ve watched all the movies on the in-flight entertainment list and the only one left happens to be Twilight?
So yeah, that’s basically how and where I watched Twilight, and without realising it, I allowed myself to care over who Isabella ”Bella” Swan chooses: Edward Cullen or Jacob Black.
When Twilight Saga: New Moon came out, I didn’t bother watching the movie but alas, I found myself yet again on a long-haul flight and whaddya know, the movie was on the in-flight entertainment list.
Just in case you’ve been stuck in a cave for the past three years and don’t know what Twilight is, good for you. Nevertheless, let me bring you up to speed over what the first two Twilight movies are all about; Edward is a vampire, Jacob is a werewolf and Bella is pretty. Kind of. Bella loves Edward but Edward leaves Bella. Jacob likes Bella but Bella is still pining for Edward. Bella kind of loves Jacob but then Edward returns into the picture. Bella goes ”Huh, Edward or Jacob?”
Somehow this love triangle thing has got adrenaline rushing worldwide and people can’t stop talking about who Bella should choose (even though the author has already made the decision and everybody knows the result in the third book).

Most people want Bella to stick with Edward because apparently he's the greatest cold-blooded, undead guy any living, breathing girl could ask for.
But there are also others who want to see Bella gracefully grow old with six pack-abs werewolf hottie Jacob.
So Edward is dull, gloomy and glitters under the sunlight while Jacob turns into a hairy ball of fur when provoked. Hmm, a tough choice for any girl to make indeed. So who will Bella choose: Edward or Jacob?
Oh well, I guess I have to wait for my next long-haul flight to find out, don’t I?
Sharm says: Team Harry Potter.
* Follow Sharm on the Scene on Twitter at twitter.com/sotscene.
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