
Latest on R.AGE TV

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Our flagship investigative stories and campaigns

The Pangolin And The Dark World Of Trafficking


Hidden in the shadows, there is an underground economy that smuggles pangolins across many lands to China, where this shy anteater is used in traditional medicine and served as a status-symbol delicacy.

R.AGE journalists spent months speaking to the people of this illicit trade, ranging from hunters to smugglers to corrupt policemen. Their stories paint a picture of a trade so rampant it threatens the pangolin’s very existence.

The Malaysian Drug Trade


Drug syndicates are flooding Asia with record levels of drugs, with Malaysia seemingly a key distribution hub. R.AGE investigates the young mules being tricked into moving the drugs, following their trail all the way to the top.

Pedophiles, Paedophiles, Sex, Abuse, Phone, WeChat, Predators, Rape

predator in my phone


PREDATOR IN MY PHONE documents the undercover operations our journalists performed to find out more about sex predators who prey on underage girls– and to help the police nail them.

The Chin Up Project

These are a collection of conversations with ethnic Chin refugees in Malaysia based on one question: Where do you see yourself in 2020?

Work In Progress

Migrant workers are part of Malaysia’s history, yet they are often sidelined and maligned by politicians and citizens alike.
R.AGE explores the unseen stories of these workers, and how they have helped build the Malaysia we know today.

Refugees No More


The ethnic Chin community in Malaysia are losing refugee protection, and for some, it can mean the difference between life and death.


A team of journalists uncover a new breed of human trafficker, and embark on a mission to expose their network.

Teoh Beng Hock


ON JULY 16, 2009, the body of a young political aide was found dead, having fallen from a 14th floor window of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission’s office. The death of Teoh Beng Hock would set off one of the most riveting criminal cases in Malaysian history, which today — exactly 10 years since the incident — remains unsolved.

Cover story

Everyday human stories that matter

The Last Survivors

The Last Survivors is a documentary project that hopes to bring those stories back to life, by speaking to survivors of the Japanese occupation, and bringing them back to the locations which hold the deepest memories for them.

Return To Hell Island

Against a backdrop of refugee crises around the world, a group of former Vietnam War escapees make an emotional return to the island that once gave them refuge.

May 13 : 50 Years Later

On May 13, 1969, Malaysia witnessed the worst riots in its history. We speak to five individuals who lived through the clashes about how that day changed the course of our nation and the lessons that we should learn from it, 50 years on.

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In-depth analysis on a current issue, packed into a brief explainer format. Out every Monday

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We want to build a R.AGE Community

R.AGE is growing and we are planning something exciting for our followers! If you’ve followed our work, you’d know that R.AGE is all about impact journalism, and we couldn’t have made that impact without you. We believe that everybody has the power to effect change – and we want you onboard! With you by our side, we can keep growing our impact and do greater things. So, if you are interested, keep a close eye on our social media pages and website, because something is coming and you will want to be a part of it.

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