Once there was a group of journalists who set out to expose the illicit pangolin trade in Malaysia with hard-hitting videos and sharp news copy. But they returned with a collection of stories that would not sit inside the neat black-and-white columns of news publication, so they just wrote stories and made them less about accuracy and more about truth, and kissed them with pretty paintings and hoped they would speak to everyone young and old.

And so The Pangolin and The Dark World of Trafficking was born.

Produced by R.AGE.


Producer Elroi Yee
Multimedia producer Samantha Chow
Text Elroi Yee
Samantha Chow
Additional reporting Aliza Shah
Design & illustrations Husna Ab Rahman
Ooi Huiqi
Zubaida Nila
Web development Yasmin Zulhaime
Richa Syal
Video producer Satpal Kaler
Talha Khan
Vaneesha Krishnasamy
Photos and videos R.AGE (unless otherwise credited)
Executive producer Ian Yee


This project was produced as part of a collaboration with Global Environmental Reporting Collective (GERC), a group of 34 journalists and editors from 14 countries. R.AGE is the collective’s Malaysian partner. Read the global report here.